What is the Best Type of Cabbage for Soup for Weight Loss?

Cabbage soup may be the perfect weight loss recipe for those who want to shed all those extra pounds but still enjoy their food. This home cooked dish is quickly becoming famous in different cultures around the world and it’s easy to see why!

Cabbage soup is a low-calorie and sodium meal that can help you lose weight

Cabbage soup is a low-calorie and sodium meal that can help you lose weight

Cabbage soup contains minimal calories and sodium, so it is an excellent choice for people looking to lose weight. It also has plenty of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber, which are great for dieters. The homemade recipe makes it fantastic because you know what ingredients are being used.

You can make cabbage soup in large batches and freeze them for later use, so it’s completely convenient. You can add different ingredients to your casseroles like lentils and try experimenting with different cabbage or methods of cooking.

Cabbage soup is an excellent choice for anyone looking to shed those extra pounds, but still enjoy their food. This home cooked dish will have you running back for more and it’s easy to see why! If you’re trying to lose weight, cabbage soup is the perfect recipe for you. The low calories will allow you to lose those pounds while still feeling satisfied and enjoying your meal!

Cabbage soup may be the perfect weight loss recipe

A new study has been released stating that people who follow a diet that includes cabbage have more weight loss success than other diets. Cabbage soup provides a low-calorie, low-sodium meal that can help you lose weight. You can track your progress by using the old standby of weighing yourself at the same time every day or measuring your waistline with a tape measure monthly. It’s important to remember to stay active daily, drink plenty of water and eat five small meals per day.

The more frequently you consume this weight loss recipe, the fatter you will get! Because it is so tasty that after one meal, you will crave another bowl of delicious cabbage soup made with only the finest all natural ingredients available! For added flavor and enjoyment, simply use real butter instead of margarine! Cabbage soup has been used for ages as a superb source of vitamins, which help restore the body’s natural metabolism. Each portion of cabbage soup contains vitamin A, which is a significant source of overall good health.

What about the best type of cabbage for soup for weight loss?

What about the best type of cabbage for soup for weight loss

The best type of cabbage for soup is green cabbage. Green cabbage has many nutrients that are good for health and maintain your body’s healthy balance. This type of cabbage contains a lot of nutrients, such as vitamin C, which is an antioxidant. This helps fight against cancer and aging. It also increases your metabolism rate so you can burn fat faster and easier. Green cabbages have another health benefit: they help with digestion.


If you’re looking to lose weight, consider adding cabbage into your soup. Cabbage is a low-calorie vegetable that can help fill you up and keep hunger at bay without throwing off the scale. You should also try these other vegetables for weight loss!

How to Add a Contact in Whatsapp Aero

Whatsapp aero is one of the most popular messaging apps out there, with over 1.5 billion monthly active users worldwide. It’s also a great way to chat with one’s friends, family and acquaintances. It’s easy enough to add someone in Whatsapp aero, all you need is their phone number! In this blog post, we will go over how-to add a contact in Whatsapp aero and what the process entails.

Steps to add a contact in Whatsapp aero:

Steps to add a contact in Whatsapp aero

– Open Whatsapp aero.

– Go to “settings.”

– Scroll down to “account” and press the button with the three dots on top of it, also called “Menu.”

– Press “Whatsapp aero Web” where there are two options: “add contacts” and “manage contacts.”

– Tap the “Add contact” button on the chat screen

– You will be asked for permission to access your phonebook. Press “allow” (or yes) to give the app this permission.

– Now, search for a contact in your address book or enter their phone number and press call to add them as a contact in Whatsapp aero.

-Choose whether to make this person a friend or just an acquaintance.

– You may be asked to confirm the number.

 Press “yes” to confirm, or press on the option with three dots and select “no”.

-Tap the “Send Request” button when finished adding someone on Whatsapp aero

-If you want this person to be able to see your current location, tap “Share my Location”

– You will be given an extra confirmation message just in case. Press ‘no’ to decline adding them as a contact.

– If you have confirmed their number, they should now show up under your contacts list!

-You can also add contacts by scanning their QR code if they give it to you. This feature is also available in other chat services like WeChat.

Also, a person has an option if he/she wants to use Whatsapp aero from their PC. Whatsapp aero web can be installed as an application in windows and macOS PC. Reasons to do that are given below.

– They can be used as an alternative to the Whatsapp aero app or for users without Whatsapp aero installed on their phone.

– This feature also lets people chat from any browser even though they do not have an account in Whatsapp aero.

If one wants to add contact from his macOS / windows PC, the following steps are for them:

– To add a contact, open Whatsapp aero Web.

– Tap the “+” icon in the top right corner of your screen.

– Choose “New Contact.”

– Enter their phone number or name and press call to confirm it is correct before tapping on the send request button. In this blog post, we have shown you how to add a contact in Whatsapp aero. Whether it is for your personal or professional life, there are many benefits of adding contacts on the popular messaging app. We hope that these steps will help make this process easier and more straightforward! If you need more information about anything mentioned here, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

What you Need to Know Before Buying an Anti-Aging Cream

The skin is the largest organ on your body and it protects you from environmental factors such as wind and sun, so it needs to be strong. There are many external factors that can damage your skin and cause premature aging, but there are also many aspects of your lifestyle that may contribute to those issues. Find out how to identify the best anti-aging cream for you while keeping in mind some of the major factors.

How important it is to take care of your skin at an early age?

How important it is to take care of your skin at an early age

We will approach the subject by focusing on various factors that can affect skin quality, with a special emphasis on one fact – beauty begins with healthy skin. Because the first thing you should know about how to combat signs of aging is that outer beauty starts from within. What does this mean? There are some basic rules that must be followed before you reach for an anti-aging cream:

Make sure your diet comprises fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and proteins. If possible, avoid high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), processed foods and sugar added to coffee or tea as they are linked to not only wrinkles but also obesity. This alone will make a big difference in the way your skin looks and feels! If you are overweight, losing 10 pounds may cause a significant improvement.

How to identify the best anti-aging cream for you?

A good way to find the best anti-aging cream for you is by doing research. You can search at https://www.laweekly.com/contours-rx-lids-by-design-reviews-is-it-worth-it/, with a list of features that you would like in a product and see which cream provides it. Alternatively, ask your beauty advisor at the store where you purchase your cosmetics what they would recommend for your skin type.

Is a cream safe for you?

The first step is deciding what type of anti-aging product you are looking for. Consider creams that contain vitamins A, C or E, which can be applied once or twice daily to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Look for products that are hypoallergenic. Using botanical ingredients can also help your skin maintain its health, as well as offer powerful protection against the negative environmental effects on skin such as UV rays and pollution.

Which is the right anti-aging cream for you

Which is the right anti-aging cream for you?

The best way to find out what’s good for your skin is to talk with a cosmetic professional who can help you choose a cream based on your lifestyle. They will recommend products that are suitable for your skin type and offer recommendations of how often you should apply it as well as any precautions to take.

Summery Aging is a natural part of life, but it’s not something we should have to accept without trying to fight back against. There are many things you can do proactively now that will help slow down the aging process and keep your skin looking youthful for longer. We hope this article has given you some helpful information on how anti-aging creams work, what they can do for your skin over time, and which one might be best suited for you.

Software Review: Win Rar Software Compression Better Then Win Zip

I use win-rar software for fast, safe, and reliable compression of my files. Since I discovered this valuable program back in 1994, it has become like a trusted friend to me.

Originally, I download this program on the recommendation of a friend and it quickly became my favorite. It was even back then a free download so you could test out the software and see how it worked before you bought it. It was shareware back then and it still is shareware today. This is one piece of shareware software that is of great quality, and that quality is updated regularly free.

Each time I brought a new computer over the years, one of the first programs downloaded was of course win rar. I am now the one who recommends it to family, friends, and my students alike. I teach a course in basic computers and always include the use of this compression software because I feel it is very important for my students to know the best software out there.

I create many graphics on my computer as a freelance artist. Rather then send these graphics separately to my boss, I quickly compress them into one folder and email it to my boss. It is fast and easy to send these graphics like this and the images do not lose any quality what so ever. It also quickly compresses photographs in a few easy steps, and the whole program is very user friendly.

Win-rar: Support to compress your Photos

Win-rar Support to compress your Photos

Over the years, I have compressed the photos of our holiday celebrations so that I could share them with my in laws who live across the country as well as friends around the world. Now days I can create short videos of my kids and I send them to the grandparents far away. Win rar compresses the files small enough so they can be quickly emailed and downloaded.

Win-rar: Support to compress your music files

Win-rar will even compress your music files if you ever have the need, which is great. It will automatically determine the compression rate by looking at the file extension. This comes in handy if you are migrating from one computer to another. Any of your files on your computer can be compressed quickly and easily when you are switching from one computer to a newer model computer.

My teenagers will do their homework at home, compress it using win-rar, and email it to their school email account. This way their homework can be opened and printed off easily.

Win rar compresses all the files at 128-bit encryption compression making each file as small as it can be which is great if you are going email the files in your favorite email client. There are many great reasons to use win-rar and with a lifetime of free upgrades it is money saving. It also saves time because it is so easy to compress and email these files. Personally, I think this is one of the best compression shareware programs out there on the internet in my opinion.

Top Tips for Beginners on How to Setting up a Fitness Tracker

Many people are aware of the importance of getting in shape, but many more find it difficult to stay motivated. You might not get out and run every day, or you may just need some help to stay on track with your diet. Fortunately, there are several tools that can help! In this article I’m going to explore how fitness trackers work and what they can do for you as well as give some tips for setting one up so that you can start using them right away.

Tips for setting up your fitness tracker

Tips for setting up your fitness tracker

There are 3 tips for beginners to keep in mind when setting up a fitness tracker:

1. Choose a device that is comfortable for you to wear. Many trackers contain wristbands or clip onto clothing, but some can also be worn as patches or on your shoe. Consider the comfort and style of each device and how it will fit into your wardrobe and lifestyle before deciding. 

2. Set realistic goals for yourself! Setting too high of a goal can cause unnecessary stress that can prevent you from achieving your goals. Make sure that the amount you choose is something that you have confidence in reaching, but is still challenging enough to affect your life! 

3. Try unique features on the devices to see which one’s work best for you! Some trackers more detailed sleep tracking, while others may have a better step-counting feature. Try each one to see which one’s help you stay on track and achieve your goals!

How can a fitness tracker help you stay motivated?

Fitness trackers can help you stay motivated by providing you with an instant update on how much activity you complete. For example, when I was still trying to make time for fitness, I would wear a fitness tracker and work towards meeting my goal each day. I also noticed that it helped me push through because the tracker was counting every step and calorie burn as I worked out. It felt good to see the progress!

Fitness tracker that will make sticking to your goals easier

For example, wear your fitness tracker when you wake up to see how many steps you take each day. This will help you set a realistic goal on how many steps you need to take throughout the day. You can also set up weekly step goals to keep yourself on track!

Make sure you purchase a fitness tracker that fits your needs and lifestyle. If you plan on running out outside, then look for models made specifically for athletes and outdoor use. These types of trackers are usually waterproof, so they’re ideal when going for a swim in the pool or taking a shower. However, if you plan on wearing it all day long, make sure it’s lightweight enough to not be uncomfortable around your wrist.

Final Thought

Fitness trackers work great for helping people achieve their health and fitness goals because they provide accurate data on your diet and exercise habits, motivating you towards overall improvement.

How Does a Professional Home Removal Work?

When it comes to home relocation in millions of people move houses in UK in a year, but yet this is considered as the most hassling task. Many people in order to save money prefer self move, thought this would be their first experience and end up in nasty surprises. There are professional home relocation management services available in London who would do this dirty job for you, saving you time, money and effort.

Choosing the Right Removal Company

The hunt for the removal company should not be a few days ahead of your move but you would make a more successful and low cost move if you start 2 or 3 months before. Cheap removals companies should not be your target, remember cheap companies provide you services for that cost, but rather look for companies that have a good record of successful and quality removals at affordable costs.

Estimation by Professionals

Estimation by Professionals

The nest smart step you can take is invite the removal professionals of your chosen company to conduct an estimation of the costs involved in your removal. A lot of home moving companies in London provide free removal quotes. The trained professional would let you know the costs involving in moving your whole household. Some companies also provide special offers on student removals, packing material and returning customers. The estimation lets you know if it is worth transporting all your goods or you should discard, re-sell or give away in charity an of them.

Packing Your Goods

You can opt out for a self packing where you can request for the specialized packing materials form the removal company or opt out packing services from them where trained men will pack all your goods for you. But be cautious when self packing because improper packing can lead to damage of your goods. Fragile items and glass wares will be packed in cartons with non-print papers in between them to prevent damage, furniture be wrapped in protective blankets and transit and TV and other electric equipments stored in suitable cartons by the man services at your residence.

Man and Van Services

Man and Van Services

The van services are available at a wide range of choices, the vans come in various sizes to suite your needs, or even there are even concessions for part load services in transit. The vans are spacious and well equipped for a safe transit. The men are well trained in carrying and loading your goods to the van safely. The vans come with straps, trolleys and ropes to safely pack your goods and also trolleys in moving larger furniture, find more info.

Transit of Goods

The man and van services include the experienced driver form the locality, usually drivers who know the neighbourhood are appointed for the transporting service, to ensure safe and quick transit. The safety of your goods on transit is ensured, while insurance cover for the goods is also available from the companies. On the assigned date within the particular time limits the goods will be delivered to either storages or your new home.

Knife Essentials

Chances are you’ve spent a lot of time and effort to purchase the right knife, or knife set, for yourself. So whether you’ve ended up with a Henckels, Wusthof, Forschner, Global, Victorinox, or other brand, you want to make sure they maintain their quality and last, hopefully, a lifetime.

Knife Basics

The Parts of a Knife

The Parts of a Knife

For most people, a knife is simply a blade with a handle. To others, the knife is an essential part of their livelyhood, browse around this site: https://ipsnews.net/business/2021/04/30/huusk-knives-reviews-japanese-kitchen-knife-on-the-market/. Although most people may only be familiar with the basic steak knife, butter knife and carving knife, there are a wide variety of knives each designed for a specific task. Some of these are:

  • Chefs Knife (shown in Image)
  • Boning Knife
  • Fillet Knife
  • Paring Knife
  • Utility Knife
  • Slicer
  • Cleaver
  • Sashimi Knife
  • Reguardless of the function of the knife, they will all contain the same basic components.
  • So let’s start with a quick introduction to the basic parts of a knife.
  • Materials of Construction

The material of choice for many years has been carbon steel. Carbon steel knives take an edge better than either high carbon or stainless steel blades. The down side of carbon steel is that it tends to lose its edge quickly and requires frequent sharpening. The higher acidity of certain foods, such as tomatoes and onions, can discolor Carbon steel blades. As a result, they must be washed and thoroughly dried after use (and before storage) to avoid permanent discoloration, rusting, and pitting. Carbon steel also tends to be brittle and can break easily under excessive stress.

A popular option is stainless steel which is a steel alloy with a higher chromium content than regular steel. This makes the metal stronger than carbon steel and also highly resistant to discoloration and rust. This increased strength is also its main drawback since it is much harder to get a edge on a stainless steel blade. However, once properly sharpened, the edge will last longer than that of a carbon steel blade.

The most popular material today, for good quality blades is a high-carbon stainless steel (HCSS).

carbon steel and stainless steel

This particular alloy combines the advantages of both the carbon steel and stainless steel. The higher carbon content allows the HCSS to be easily sharpened (like carbon steel) and it will also maintain its edge longer (like stainless steel). Being a stainless steel (containing chromium), the blade is also highly resistant to discoloration, rust, and pitting when used on high acidity foods.

The Difference Between Customer Service and Support

Customer service is typically a company’s first line of defense when it comes to dealing with customer inquiries. This includes answering basic questions and solving smaller problems for customers who have already made a purchase. On the other hand, support is more in-depth and typically reserved for those customers that need help after they have made purchases or are experiencing difficulties using their products.

It is important to know the difference between customer service and support in order to provide the best experience possible for customers.

What is Customer Service?

What is Customer Service

Customer service is there to help new or returning customers with questions they may have about a product, and can also include resolving minor issues that may arise when using it. This type of interaction usually happens over the phone or through email messages.

Responsibilities of Customer Service

Customer service agents are there to conduct and delight customers at every step of the customer’s lifestyle. Their main responsibility is to solve customer problems and answer questions they have related to the company’s products or services. Customer service agents are usually responsible for building trust with customers by providing friendly, fast, responsive, and efficient service because this will make them loyal customers in the future when they need more help from your business. Here are some customer activities are given below:

Providing the customer with assistance, information, or advice in order to answer questions

Responding and assisting customers in taking the appropriate steps for making a purchase

Interacting with customers across various channels such as email, phone calls, chat logs, etc.

Handling complaints and queries related to their product or service

What is Customer Support?

Customer support helps existing customers resolve major problems by acting as an “expert” on your products. These interactions happen most often via online chat sessions where you are connected live with someone who will walk them through their issue step-by-step until everything is resolved.

Activities of Customer Support

Activities of Customer Support

Support agents are there to provide quick and accurate answers to customer questions, troubleshoot technical problems, and provide a level of support that is unmatched by other channels.

Customer support agents can be generalists with an understanding of the variety of products in their company’s portfolio or product specialists who are experts on particular products or types of customers. Some common customer activities are:

Troubleshooting technical problems

Providing a level of support that is unmatched by other channels

Advising customers on the most appropriate product for their needs

Helping improve customer experience with company products and services

Conclusion It can be said that customer support and service are closely related but even distinct. Customer service deals with the entire customer experience and engages customers to help them have a wonderful experience and solve their problems. Customer support deals with solving technical or service-related issues for customers when they are accessing products or services from an organization.

Free Icky Bands Bracelets and Free Printable Health and Hygiene Activities

Georgia-Pacific, makers of EnMotion hygienic towel dispensers have put together an assortment of freebies: free printable coloring pages, lesson plans, games and activities. Plus order free Icky bands bracelets like silly bands for your children.

Visit the Georgia Pacific En-Motion website here. On the homepage to right, you will see the link to order your free Icky Bands bracelets. Icky Bands are like Silly Bandz silicone animal shaped bracelets. Bracelets come in four designs featuring Master Mo, Octogunk, Dirt McGirt and Mr. Mee-yucky. Icky Bands resemble bacteria and germs shapes. Icky bands come in 8 packs and you may order up to four packages. To order your free Icky Bands, simply fill out the form with your name, address and email address. Your Icky Bands bracelets will arrive in 4-6 weeks.

Free Printable Health and Hygiene Activities

Why Icky Bands Bracelets are So Popular?

Icky Bands bracelets make perfect classroom give-aways for teachers, homeschoolers, nurses, public health care workers, dentists and other other health care professionals. Icky Bands bracelets are a great visual reminder for children to wash their hands and use hand sanitizer. Click here to visit the links on the website for free printable activities to teach students more about germs, hygiene, hand-washing and health. Print germ and Icky Bands bracelets character coloring pages. Use the free printable sequencing lesson to show children the correct order for washing hands. Students can color this also. You can also print a connect the dots page, fill-in-the-blanks hygiene lesson and several other health and hygiene lesson plans.

There are free online games and songs for children to enjoy also. Click here to play. Students will enjoy the cute online video featuring Master Mo, Octogunk, Dirt McGirt and Mr. Mee-yucky. Icky Band bracelets make great Halloween trick-or-treat prizes. The lessons will come in handy for teachers to explore Halloween health, safety and hygiene with children as they go out trick-or-treating. For more on health and education, visit the links attached.

How to Create a Tri-Color Spiral Bracelet
This simple bracelet is colorful and elegant on its own, but several strands can also be combined to create a larger piece of jewelry. Beads can be added for a more formal bracelet, and charms can be used to turn it into a lovely decorative gift for young women.

You will need several skeins of embroidery thread or silk cord, at least one of each color, clear drying craft glue, clear tape, and one large bead to create a closure for the bracelet. In addition, you will need a way to affix one side of the bracelet temporarily while you are working on the piece. You can use a clipboard for this, or a large safety pin and a large heavy pillow.

Measure your wrist. You will need one strand of each color that is at least 7 times longer than this measurement. You will fold these strands so that one side is about 1½ times longer than the wrist measurement and the other side is about 5½ times longer. Slide the folds over the safety pin or under the clip. Tie this off with a length of any color thread, creating a loop that is just large enough to accept the closure bead.

Why Icky Bands Bracelets are So Popular

Pull the longer strand of the first color to be used off to the left of the others. Holding it in place with your left hand, grasp the end of it with your right and pull it across the top of the grouped thread, to make a “4” shape. Pass the end back to the right under the threads and pull it up through the triangle of the 4 and let go with the left hand. Pull the thread tight, so that it creates a knot up against the loop that binds the strands. Repeat this until 1/3 of the wrist measurement has been tied with spiraling knots of this color. Repeat this process with each remaining color, until the full wrist measurement is covered in spiraled knots.

Trim the ends about 1 inch from the last knot. Place a small piece of tape over one end of the bead. Fill the inner chamber of the bead about 2/3 full with craft glue and slide the ends of the threads inside. Allow to dry.

How to Open Whatsapp Aero without a Smartphone: Alternative Methods

Whatsapp Aero is an excellent way to communicate with friends, family and coworkers. The only problem is that Whatsapp Aero requires a smartphone in order to open it. If you don’t have a phone or just want to be able to use your messages without having your phone on hand, there are still ways for you to read and send messages through the app! If this isn’t an option for you, there are other ways to open up Whatsapp Aero without having a smartphone.

Log into Whatsapp Aero online without smartphone

Log into Whatsapp Aero online without smartphone

If you lost your smartphone then its a big query to access your  Whatsapp Aero account. But it is not a big issue to open Whatsapp Aero without a smartphone as there are many ways to do so.  At first open your personal computer or laptop.

And Type your username and password in the login page, after entering them click on “sign-in” button. You will find yourself logged into Whatsapp Aero without a smartphone successfully with all your chats and conversations.

Benefits of Whatsapp Aero Web

Use the web browser on your computer or laptop to open Whatsapp Aero. This is good for when you are at home and want to read messages, but don’t have a smartphone nearby.

No need to worry about accidentally pressing buttons while typing out a response; use your keyboard instead!

You can also send photos using the Photo Library in Safari (Mac) or Chrome (Windows). Just go into Settings > Storage and Sharing > Upload media files with Whatsapp Aero > Choose file from desktop storage. The photo will be uploaded automatically as an attachment in one message.

Is it safe to use Whatsapp Aero Without Mobile Phone?

Is it safe to use Whatsapp Aero Without Mobile Phone

To use Whatsapp Aero messanger safely without a smart phone there are few ways that you should know. When you want to use the  Whatsapp Aero messenger on your computer or laptop, you will need to download and install the whatsap application.

The first way is by joining a website that allows users to connect with one another via Whatsapp Aero’s text chat without using their smartphones. The second option is by downloading an app called Whatsapp Aero Web which enables iOS or Android smartphone owners who do not have access to a desktop browser use web-based Whats App messaging in Chrome from a mobile device. There are many other options available for those of us who may want some privacy through our phone conversations but don’t have access to a cell phone such as making free calls over wifi networks; however, these methods should only be used if there aren’t any alternative means at all since they can put people at risk.


If you don’t have a smartphone or need to keep your phone safe, there are still ways for you to chat on Whatsapp Aero. The easiest way is by using the web browser version of the app. You can also use a desktop computer and download this free software called “Whatsapp Aero Web” that will let you text with friends without downloading anything else. Another option would be to install Whats App as an app on your tablet or laptop- it works in much the same way as it does on smartphones! Whatever solution you choose, we hope these tips help make chatting easier no matter what device you’re using.