Do Global Chefs Knives Cut It?

Slice It Good With a Global Chef Knife

Being a wannabe chef, the best investment you could possibly make is in a good kitchen knife. Come into play the Global Chef Knife.

How annoying is it to cut vegetables, meats or fruits with a dull knife. I absolutely hate it!!! Sometimes, I secretly want to bring my own knives to parties when I’m asked to help prepare the food just because I’m afraid their knives will be dull and hard to use.

There are sooo many to choose from so I’m going to try my best to go through some knives and some do’s and don’ts when purchasing your set or single kitchen knife.

The Global Kitchen Knife is a great knife to start off with. The cost is average, but the results..fantastic!

5 Types Of Global Knife Products To Have In Your Kitchen 

5 Types Of Global Knife Products To Have In Your Kitchen

If you look at the vast number of global chef knives out there, it could make your head spin.

Here is a list of 5 main kitchen must have knives including a sharpener that you want to have in your kitchen when you’re starting to buy kitchen knives.

  1. A good Global chefs knife will probably be the one you would use the most. Look for a blade that goes at least 3/4 of the way through the handle and easily fits in your hands.
    Generally they come in different sizes ranging from 7 to 12 inches. Hold some in your hands at different sizes and see how they feel.
    Make sure the balance in your hand is even. In other words you don’t want to be holding knife that feels like you’re holding a handle that is holding a knife. It should all feel like one unit.
    Looking for a blade that is forged and mainly stainless steel. Stamped blades are just not as strong but will still do a great job.
  2. A slicer is good for meats. It is normally has a longer, thinner blade and it won’t tear the meat as you are cutting it.
  3. A serrated knife has a grooved edge and cuts breads like butter. If you have a nice sharp serrated knife, cutting softer skinned fruits like tomatoes or mangos is easy to cut with and won’t cause the fruit to get squished.
  4. A boning knife is a good knife to have as you can de-bone meats and it is easy to use. Most likely, it will be the second most used kitchen knife in y.collection
  5. Don’t forget the good ol’ paring knife. Great for smaller items like fruits and vegetables. It’s a much smaller and shorter knife, easy to hold in your hands, and a jiffy to pull out and cut with.
  6. Finally a good steel is a must have. Every time you use one of your knives with a straight blade (not the serrated or slicer knife) it gets slightly duller. If you maintain your knife after every use, you’ll be surprised at how amazingly sharp your blades will stay. It doesn’t make the knife sharper…it keeps the knife sharp.

So Why Buy A Global Chef Knife? 

Whats The Skinny On Global

There are a number of reasons why a Global chef knife may be the right fit for you.

Price wise, they are a good investment piece if you’re looking for a truly great knife. Most of the Steel of the blades are made of high-tech molybdenum/vanadium stainless steel which retains edges for razor sharpness exceptionally well.

If you are new to a ‘sharp’ knife and have been using dull ones before, don’t be afraid of these new works of art.

One reviewer mentioned that they compared the knife with a high quality knife from Japan which was double the price and still loved the Global much more due to the design and balance of the knives. He felt like it was designed by and made for a chef.

If you maintain your knifes by washing them by hand, cleaning them right away and maintaining there sharpness with a good steel, your Global chef knives can last you a lifetime. You will love them once you get used to them.

Also it helps that they look so darned good! They are a fabulous looking knife!

Remember to be careful and watch your fingers as well as you finger tips, arms etc, because these Global knives are so sharp that cutting through a tomato and cutting through skin is a piece of cake for it and makes no difference to the knives if you are not paying attention.

How To Sharpen Your Global Chef Knife 

How To Sharpen Your Global Chef Knife

It is important to keep your Global chef knife in top working order. Keep it sharp by taking it to an expert or try to do it yourself using a ceramic whet stone.

Diabetes and Your Feet

Footcare is Important for Diabetes

When most people think of diabetes they don’t immediately think of the slew of related foot problems that occur. Diabetes can affect many areas, and some including blood pressure and heart problems seem to capture more of people’s attention. Even those suffering from diabetes may fail give the proper attention or time to the foot problems that are associated with the disease. But the facts are that 1 in 5 people with diabetes who go to the hospital do so for a foot problem of some kind. Overlooking these problems can lead to very serious issues and you don’t want to wait until it’s too late.

problems from diabetes

Foot problems from diabetes can be caused by one of two main ways. The first of which is diabetic neuropathy, which is essentially a dulling of the sensory nerves that help signal various sensations to you. These sensations include temperature and pain and without that you can have problem noticing injuries such as cuts or swelling on your feet. Not noticing these injuries can lead to a worsening of them including infections and other problems such as foot ulcers.

Additionally, peripheral vascular disease can also lead to serious foot problems for those with diabetes. This is essentially a problem of poor blood circulation, particularly in the extremities. Poor blood flow can cause many problems, chief among them is gangrene. Gangrene is the death of an area of tissue on your body due to a lack of blood flow and circulation to keep it alive. Your tissue literally begins to rot while still on your body and it can lead to necessary amputation, additional resources.

Less severe foot problems associated with diabetes include a wide range of normal issues such as blisters, bunions, ingrown toenails and calluses. These are all caused by increased pressure on specific areas of your foot, and they can be made worse by not knowing about them. Infections such as fungal nail problems and athlete’s foot can also occur.

To help prevent foot problems for those with diabetes it is essential to carefully examine your feet each day for any problems such as swelling, bruising, cuts, blisters or anything else. It’s also important to carefully wash and dry your feet each day, being sure to pat your feet dry gently rather than rub them harshly. Lotion should also be used to you’re your skin soft and moist to help prevent cracking and cutting.

You must wear comfortable shoes that aren’t too tight or restrictive, particularly during exercise or periods of lots of movement. You also need comfortable, unrestrictive and soft socks to maximize your protection as well.

Few people realize how serious foot problems can be for those with diabetes. But when the possible end result is amputation, it’s a problem that cannot be taken lightly. Additionally, when 1 in 5 people hospitalized with diabetes are there to take care of serious foot problems, it further solidifies who serious this area can be. Protect your feet and take good care of them to prevent unnecessary and unfortunate consequences.

Motivation: The Driving Force in Productivity and Success

Many people believe that they are the masters of their own destiny, but is it true? Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. Jim Rohn quoted this book “The Seven Levels Of Communication”. To succeed, self-motivation has to be present and a habit created to keep the motivation active. If you think that you are a loser, then there will not be enough motivation for anything because everything feels like too much work.

What is Self-motivated Activity?

What is Self-motivated Activity

A self-motivated activity is an action that you do on your own, without being told to. It’s something that will make the person feel like they accomplished something. Whenever someone does a self-motivated activity there’s always a sense of accomplishment afterward and it makes them more motivated for future activities because they know their potential.

How important is self-motivation?

The importance of self-motivation cannot be understated. If you believe that you can do anything, then it will not matter what anyone else says to make you feel bad about yourself or your actions. The most important thing is believe in oneself and also feeling good when doing something well. It’s difficult for someone who believes they are a loser and feels like they cannot achieve their goals to get out of the self-sabotaging rut because there is too much negativity going on inside the person’s head.

If one were to analyze those successful people from history such as Abraham Lincoln, George Washington Carver, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks – all these great men had some form of self-motivation which helped them overcome challenges while many others failed.

A few effective ways to create self-motivation

There are many ways to create self-motivation. When you have self-motivation, your life will be much easier and happier.

Show yourself appreciation

Acknowledge the good things that happen to you every day. Do not underestimate all of the small successes in your life because they are what motivates us the most. You should also give some recognition to people who help you along the way too!

Believe in yourself

If we do not believe that we can achieve something then why bother trying? Believing is a key part of being motivated so we must find ways to keep ourselves confident during our struggles. Remembering how strong you were when past obstacles seemed impossible might inspire others to try again as well if they

Reading self-motivation books

One of the best ways to self-motivate is by reading motivational books. They give you a variety of ideas and stories that create inspiration and motivation for different people. Some might need some new insight into their current situation while others may be feeling overwhelmed with life’s challenges. Books provide personal examples from many sources so there will never be a shortage in what one can read when it comes to finding something motivating or helpful.

Taking time for yourself

It sounds counterproductive but sometimes we must take time off work to accomplish other things like exercise, enjoying our hobbies, spending quality time with family members etcetera; this way we will have more energy during work hours which leads us back into being productive!


Self-motivation is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal to get things done. It’s not uncommon for people who are self-starters or have a strong drive, to be more successful than those without it. The good news about motivation is that you can find and develop yours at any time! You just need some knowledge on how this process works so you can start taking action towards achieving success today!

Lose Weight by Having More Sex

If you are in the process of trying to lose weight, I have the perfect exercise for you that will burn 150 to 250 calories per half hour. Sex. That’s right. According to, sex is a great way to burn calories effortlessly. Sex is fun, and because of that, you are more prone to opt for a romp in the bed with your honey than you are to get on the treadmill.

Sex is especially beneficial if you try different positions. This will ensure that all of your muscle groups get a work out. According to WebMd., recent studies have shown that short bursts of exercise can be as beneficial as a 30 to 40 minute workout. You can use sex as an addition to your regular exercise routine or alternate days. Whatever combination you use is sure to have some great health benefits for both you and your partner.

beneficial if you try different positions

A pre-sex naked workout with a partner can be a wonderful way to combine muscle stretching and great foreplay. Take your time in touching and stretching, paying attention to one another’s bodies. It can be quite an aphrodisiac

Not only is sex good for your cardiovascular and muscular health, it is also a mood enhancer. Sex raises those good endorphones, which lowers your stress level. Since much overeating is due to emotional overeating, you are less prone to do this if you feeling good emotionally.

People who are lonely also tend to eat more and gain weight. Those who are involved in healthy loving relationships generally have more sex. As a result, they are happier and more emotionally satisfied, which will lead to less emotional overeating.

One important consideration, however, is to remember that lots of sex with lots of partners may burn calories, but it can also lead to a lot of stress. You will have to worry more about sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, and the emotional component of not having a steady loving relationship with someone. In this situation, you are more likely to gain weight due to the emotional aspects.

If you are in a loving relationship with someone, try increasing the amount of sex you have with your partner. Watch the pounds melt away as you develop a more toned and flexible body. Watch your desire to emotionally eat go away. I guarantee you will find increased sex much more enjoyable than spending an hour on the treadmill or elliptical trainer.

The Self Reproducing Meme

The word “meme” is relatively new. It was created, or at least given its current meaning, by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene. For those who are not familiar with the term or need a quick refresher, the basic idea is as follows.

A meme is a piece of cultural information. The easiest way to think of it is as an idea or a behavior (and perhaps the idea associated with said behavior). There are many examples: behaviors like handshakes, phrases like “wassup, dawg”, slogans like “Live free or die”, and technology such as cars or computers are all examples. In fact, it may be more difficult to think of things that aren’t memes, though this debate will be saved for another article.

This article is concerned with a very specific meme. Most people are familiar with reproduction, as this is how anyone reading this article was made. Self-reproduction (or asexual reproduction) is reproduction where something creates a copy of itself, as opposed to sexual reproduction, where the offspring takes part of the mother and part of the father. Self-reproduction can create an exact copy of the original. The idea of a meme was explained at the beginning of this article, which means the reader should now have all the necessary pieces to understand the self-reproducing meme.

The concept is simple. The self-reproducing meme reproduces itself. However, all memes spread this way. For instance, if you were to explain to a friend how and when to shake hands, you just helped the handshake meme to reproduce. What make the self-reproducing meme unique is that this is its whole purpose. It is an idea that exists only to spread itself. One possible way of writing this out formally: “The concept and purpose of the self-reproducing meme is to spread the self-reproducing meme,To find out more info about meme, you’ve to visit our website.

This meme is a small one. It only takes a sentence to communicate the basic idea. This article used four paragraphs to introduce the idea to a reader with little or no previous understanding of memes. Since it only has one purpose, spreading itself, it doesn’t have much complexity. It also is not concerned with how it should spread itself; this would be part of a separate meme.

One interesting fact is that anyone who reads and understands this article is now “infected” with the meme, and is now a carrier. Spreading memes is often compared to spreading a virus. Once a person is infected, they spread the virus through contact with other people. By talking about the meme with friends, writing about the meme, or even physically (or vitually) posting copies of this article, carriers spread the meme. The meme can also spread using the help of other memes. For instance, a group of researchers could start studying memes and include this meme, a community on the internet could make spreading this meme part of a game or contest, or a debate on the meme could surface.

Any memes directly related to this meme would be considered part of the same meme-complex, which is a set of related memes. If George Washington were a meme, he could be part of the U.S. Presidents meme-complex, which in turn might be part of the world leaders meme-complex. He also could be part of the Revolutionary War Generals meme-complex. Given the potential complexity, meme-complexes tend to be defined informally, and are more a matter of convenience than hard science.

It is up to the reader to decide what to do with the self-reproducing meme once they learn of it. Some will do nothing, only carrying the information without passing it along. A smaller subset may forget the information entirely. Some readers, on the other hand, will pass the information along by a variety of methods. Others will create new memes that will aid in the spread. If enough carriers do this, the meme could spread to millions of people. Perhaps it will eventually spread to every possible carrier on earth, and even beyond earth. In theory, there is no limit to how far an idea can spread. If you are interested in further discussion on this topic, the author of this article is expecting to write additional articles. Readers are also encouraged to write responses to this article both to further the academic discussion and because they will likely further aid the spread of the self-reproducing meme.

Wearing Patek Philippe Replica Watches To The Party

TooMaybe, at the beginning you will not believe that when you see the prices at the web of those Patek Philippe replica watches. You see somebady wearing one of them and if he had not informed you, you would have never believed that it was not the original but just a replica Patek Philippe.

Fake would not be the right word to use, since these Patek Philippe replica watches are of the highest quality and are as close to the original as possible. Some people do not understand this and they term the Patek Philippe replica watch as fake Patek Philippe watches.

Patek Philippe watches are available for sale

Most of the Patek Philippe watches are available for sale on countless websites, but there are a number of shady ones too. When going in to purchase Patek Philippe replica watches you should know what you want. It does help if you have an idea about the real Patek Philippe when you are going into purchase Patek Philippe replica watches. I am stressing about the fake sites and the knowledge about Patek Philippe replica watches because there are different grades of them. The best quality Patek Philippe replica watches are assembled using parts sourced from Switzerland and they cost the most. Even then, they are far less costly than their real counterparts.

Then comes the Patek Philippe Annual Calendar replica watches that are made out of parts from Japan and these too are quite good, but cost less than the Swiss ones. The last are the Patek Philippe replica watches that are made in China. These cost of these Patek Philippe replica watches are far less compared to the ones assembled from Swiss parts, but still their workmanship is quite good and they are extremely faithful as far as maintaining time is concerned. There are some cheaters who pass of third grade watches as Patek Philippe replica watches and these are the ones you should keep an eye out for. Just take the watch in your hand and you will be able to judge that they are fakes of Patek Philippe replica watches.

Their weight, build quality, quality of the casing etc., will shout out at you proclaiming that they should not be purchased. The look, build and weight of Patek Philippe replica watches are just like the originals and even fool the experts. They provide you with value for money and assure you of a long relationship with your wrist.

Wearing Patek Philippe World Time replica watches will cause others to look at you enviously and you will be the talk of the party. After all it is not everyday that one spots people wearing Patek Philippe replica watches to a party. Those who see the Patek Philippe replica watches will think that you’re wearing the original. You should have been convinced by now, so go get some Patek Philippe replica watches.

Lysol Disinfectant Spray Saves Money, Time, and Gives Me Peace of Mind

I think garbage cans in Florida, are one of the worst things to keep clean, and sanitized. For years I would individually bag up the garbage, or rubbish as we call it in England, and then put it in the trash can, or dustbin, which is another English word, that is lined with a garbage sack.

Well the garbage sacks, or bags are so expensive, that I told Len this is too much to pay. I didn’t want to keep them any longer for the fear of bacteria forming. So what was I to do.

I looked in the supermarket and came up with Lysol Disinfectant Spray that kills viruses, bacteria, mold & mildew. It kills 99.9% of germs and eliminates odors. The scent I chose was Crisp Linen. This is a huge spray can and weighs in at 19 ounces (l lb. 3 oz.) or 539 g.

Spray Saves Money

The first can I purchased almost a year ago. After cleaning the garbage can, I put a black liner/bag in it and taped it to the edges. I then gave the inside of the can a spray of Lysol, also the lid, and the outside too.

Both Len and I filled the garbage can with our tied bags of rubbish, and out went the trash can twice a week. Each time we brought it in to the garage we sprayed it again, with Lysol. Each month we changed the black sack/liner. So instead of using 8 bags, we only used 1 a month.

The garbage can always smells wonderful, is disinfected, with a beautiful fragrance, and all but .9% of germs are gone

Lysol does so much more too. It states on the can that it kills the flu virus. It kills and prevents mold and mildew on bathroom surfaces, shower curtain liners, sinks, and plastic mattress covers.

It is great for faucets, shower areas, toilet seats, bath tubs, sinks, fridge exteriors, counter tops, as well as, diaper pails, doorknobs, telephones, window sills, and the baby’s plastic toys.

The directions for use differ depending on what you are using it for. Full directions are on the back of the can.

I now have one in the garage for the garbage can, and one upstairs for the bathrooms, and kitchen. Yes, I live in a townhouse, so have one bathroom downstairs, and a complete condo upstairs, see this here.

Disinfectant Spray

I know that whatever I touch will be safe. I just spray the area with the Lysol and know that my house is almost free of germs.

Do not use Lysol Disinfectant Spray on wooden surfaces.

The retail price can run from $5.99 to $7.99, but I was lucky enough to pick 2 up this week for $3.99, at Walgreen’s drugstore.

This is a product that saves me time, money, and keeps my home safe.

Get Shorty – Travolta and Hackman on Netflix: What to Put on Your Netflix list to ensure you are having fun

In this 1995 Barry Sonnenfeld-directed film, John Travolta stars as Chili Palmer, the loan shark in pursuit of a dry cleaner who has skipped on a debt in a unique fashion. Gene Hackman shines as a shady producer in this movie about making movies. It is hard to say who steals more scenes, Travolta, Hackman or Rene Russo as the B-movie scream queen. But Get Shorty is a hilarious flip-flopping rollercoaster ride that proves that loan sharking is great training for making movies, except that in Hollywood they really play rough. Visit this site for effective information on VPN Netflix.

Travolta has a great idea for a movie that he pitches to Hackman when he comes to collect a debt, and Russo gets involved when they try to interest her ex-husband, Danny DeVito. He portrays a top actor who can get film made just by being attached to the project. Imagine Hugh Jackman, only shorter and older. You have to love Delroy Lindo’s line “What’s the point of living in LA, if you aren’t in the movie business.” The hook is that we never find out what the great idea for the movie is. We see all the back-stabbing, the moves, the facades of the moves and that is the meat of the film. John Travolta won a Golden Globe for his fast-paced patter and sheer charisma.

Writer as Screenwriter

Writer as Screenwriter

Get Shorty is based on the Elmore Leonard novel, which he penned after being exposed to the vagaries of Hollywood when his books were being optioned. He wrote the original story 3:10 to Yuma which has been made into films twice. But crime novels have always been his passion. Even though Paul Newman starred in the film version of his Hombre, Leonard was always aiming at the twists and turns of crime. Mr. Majestyk starring Charles Bronson was the film transition into that world after years of Western novels. Our of his nearly four dozen novels, fourteen have become films or tv movies. With an ear for dialogue and eye for the underside of life, Leonard has contributed to the creativity of Hollywood in ways that would make Chili Palmer proud.

Oh, there really is a Chili Palmer too! He plays one of the Dennis Farina’s cronies in the film. Chili gave author, Elmore Leonard, lots of background information on being a loan shark. The “real” Chili left “the life” in the sixties and became a private investigator. Truth is almost stranger than fiction.

Whatsapp, the Mobile Messaging App that Everyone Should Use

Apps come and go like fashion fads and seasons. One day an app could be “the next big thing” and the next no one will know about it. Then there are some apps that come and stay. They change the way that people would normally do things and help users in a way no other app can. One of these rare and exciting apps is Whatsapp.

Whatsapp is a messaging app that allows users to send messages to any other user that uses the app. It’s lean and flawless, with plenty of perks for the everyday user. Designed and ran by two former Yahoo! employees the app has made it over 500 million active users today. Their focus is on keeping a functioning app with the user in mind and have thus far kept their focus and goals intact.

Whatsapp is not an SMS app

Whatsapp is not an SMS app like many other 3rd party apps. It doesn’t require any charges for the messages and, just like email, it doesn’t charge extra for international messages. As long as a user has Whatsapp they can send and receive messages from anywhere in the globe as long as they have a 3G signal or better. The app was designed to help users save money on text and data charges.

Whatsapp was designed with a simple concept that owner/operators kept taped to their desks through development and creation.

  • No Ads!
  • No Games!
  • No Gimmicks!

They have been true to this simple hand-written note since the first day they set out from Yahoo! to start their own thing. They weren’t in the market for making a business and selling ads like they did at their previous job. They wanted to give users a simple, hassle-free application that everyone could use.

With Whatsapp, instead of creating a profile and username the app requires only a cell phone number for authentication before you can be on your way to messaging your friends and family. It doesn’t sore any personal information and their servers delete the messages after they are delivered.

Since it runs off of your phone number it is constantly connected! You don’t have to worry about messages not being sent or being returned to you because the other user wasn’t online. The message holds until the user gets a connection and then sends it to them so you don’t have to continue rewriting or checking the message to see if it delivered.

The first year of Whatsapp is free to use after which you will be charged a yearly rate of $1.

Because they have no ads and no games they have to build revenue in some way to help continue supporting the growth and maintenance of this amazing app. The Whatsapp team is constantly developing fixes for bugs and updates to the app to better the user experience. With its 500 million users growing daily this app is a must have. It can be downloaded in the Google Play Store for android users and the iTunes store for iPhone users.

It is a truly cross-platform application and also comes on the Windows phone, Blackberry and the Nokia Symbian operation system. Try the app for free for the first year and tell your friends about it so you can experience the next lever of messaging on your smart phone.

Interchangeable, Lace-Up Sleeves

Stretch cord, ribbon, or rubber bands

One of my favorite garment make-overs – and I do plenty of them – is the interchangeable, lace-up sleeve. It’s a great way to add a little roominess in a too-tight sleeve, and a cool way to look like you have a larger wardrobe than you do. Cut the sleeves and you’ll be able to turn the dress or blouse into a stunning new piece each time you wear it.

The best look for the interchangeable sleeves is a garment featuring at least a three-quarter sleeve. The sleeve must be fitting or even too-tight. The fabric can be stretchy, or not, but shouldn’t be especially wispy. The sleeve should have no cuff.

The dress or shirt sleeve make-over is actually quite fast and easy. Cut straight up the sleeve, from the hem of it, to the shoulder area. Hem each cut side of the sleeve. Don’t worry that the sleeve will then be even smaller than it was; you can overcome that problem by continuing with the make-over.

Lace-Up Sleeves

After hemming all the way up each cut side of the sleeve, go along each hemmed area, and put in tiny buttons. Shank buttons work best to provide a way for you to lace up the cut area of the sleeve. So, start at one hemmed area, and mark the places where you will attach the buttons, from shoulder to sleeve hem. Do the same to the opposite side. The buttons can be spaced the way you want them – close together or further apart – but don’t space them too far apart. View source for more information about Sleeves.

With the buttons in place you can create various looks for the sleeve by using stretch cord. Wrap the cord around a button, cross over the split, and go around another button, and continue as you create the look you want. You can make cords that go straight across; you can make cords that crisscross. Use a cord color that matches your dress or shirt; create other looks by using cords that don’t match the garment.

Even colored rubber bands can give you the accents and the sleeve closure that you need for the dress or shirt. Today’s rubber bands are colorful, skinny, and appropriate for this garment. Between the rubber bands and the stretch cord, ribbon or jute twine, as well as the different ways to thread the material, you can appear to have hundreds of different outfits – all from one.