High Testosterone Diet Plan – Diet To Boost Level Of Testosterone – Increasing Testosterone Levels

Diet is the most important factor that affects the Testosterone levels in a person. The right diet can do all the right things to a man that he is looking for. So, the diet plays a major role in maintaining the Testosterone levels in the body. The glands that are responsible for producing the Testosterone hormones are in need of some minerals like Zinc and Magnesium to stimulate the production of Testosterone. The best way through which we can increase these Minerals in our body is via the diet. Moreover, there are many other important components of foods that we need in order to boost the Testosterone levels.

As high Testosterone levels are associated with the well- being of a person, so it is really important for a person to maintain his optimum T levels to gain his manliness. As the Testosterone levels slowly decline after the age 30, so it is really essential for the people having Low T levels to do the things through which they can increase their Testosterone levels.

How to Get More Testosterone?

How to Get More Testosterone

Having Low Testosterone is a sign of a number of health concerns. But luckily, we have got a number of ways through which we can increase the T levels in our body. So if you feel like your T level wants a boost, you have come to the right place. Here are the things through which you can boost your T levels easily.

  • Right Diet
  • Testosterone Boosting Exercise
  • Getting Adequate Sleep

These are some of the noteworthy points through which you can boost your Testosterone fast and easily. In regards to boosting your Testosterone, diet plays the most important role than you ever imagined. So eating right is the first key to your T Boost.

Eating Right:

Hotter sex, bigger muscles, less body fat and more energy are some of the benefits that you can avail by increasing your T levels. According to the research conducted in regards to Testosterone, it was proved that over millions of men in United States are having low Testosterone that is an alarming situation. So what you can do to increase your Testosterone? The solution is high testosterone diet. Changes to your diet can contribute a lot in increasing your Testosterone concentrations in the blood.

According to various studies, it has revealed that eating before bed and after you wake, have the great impact on your body’s production of Testosterone.

So if you are looking for the diet to increase testosterone, then you need to look at the following testosterone boosting diet plan. 

High Testosterone Diet:

Altering eating habits can have a great impact on your Testosterone concentrations in the blood. So it is really important to become aware of exactly what food is right for T levels and what food you should avoid. There are a number of reasons to take the high testosterone diet. Firstly, with the high testosterone diet plan, you can increase your T levels naturally without the hormone replacement therapies. Secondly, the results of the high testosterone diets are fast and they can be maintained over time. And the last one is the most important one, that is, it is really delicious and tempting. So here is the Good Testosterone- friendly Diet.

Diet to increase Testosterone:

As a matter of fact, Testosterone is made up from Cholesterol and fat, so adding these in your diet can help to boost your T levels. Besides cholesterol and high fat diet, there are the foods that a good and testosterone-friendly diet should contain. These foods include:

  • Green Leafy Vegetables
  • Protein
  • Vitamin D rich foods
  • Zinc and Magnesium-containing foods

This is the simple and the most functional diet that can increase your Testosterone levels.

The Ultimate Testosterone Boosting Diet Plan:

  • Watch Your Calories:

The first step in the high testosterone diet plan is to consume an adequate number of calories. Following the low caloric diet by a man can cause the fall in T levels instead of enhancing them. So it is really important for a person to learn the adequate number of calories for him, according to his height and weight, in order to maintain the healthy T levels.

  • Add Adequate Carbs:

Carbs should make up half of your meals of the days. So the next step in the high testosterone diet is to look for the adequate carbohydrates. Remember that, your carb and protein ration should be in 2: 1 that is the ideal way to elevate your Testosterone levels. Adding the whole grains (in moderation) in your diet plan should be a wise choice in your case.

  • Up your Protein:

Importance of eating protein to increase the T levels is our next priority. Adding proteins in your diet is the vital thing that can surely boost your T levels. But remember that, not that too much. Various researches have shown that consuming proteins more than the carbs may lower the T levels. So adding 1 gram of protein for your one lb. is enough to increase your T levels. The sources that you can include to enhance your protein are animal sources, some nuts and dairy products including eggs for sure.

  • Fats:

The last thing but certainly, not the least is the fat that is you need to consider in order to enhance your T levels. As Testosterone is made from the cholesterol and cholesterol is the type of fat, then adding fat into your diet up to 30 percent is a wise choice. Getting fat from the sources like nuts, olives, and fatty fish and egg yolks can be the best way to increase the T levels.

One Day Testosterone Boosting Diet Plan: T Boosting Mean Plan

One Day Testosterone Boosting Diet Plan T Boosting Mean Plan

Now, here’s the breakdown of what you need to eat in a single day to increase your T levels:

2 servings of eggs + 1 cup of whole cream milk + 3 slices of whole grain bread + 1 medium sized apple
Exercise: light walk of 30 to 60 minutes before taking breakfast

Mid -Morning Snack
A hand full of mixed nuts
Exercise: Warm up for 5 minutes with slight resting

2 servings of pita bread + 2 oz. Of turkey + a bowl of fresh salad + 1 avocado

Evening Snack
1 cup of protein shake
Exercise: Weight lifting wit  h rest

3 servings of steamed rice + grilled Salmon with sauce and cheese + mashed potatoes

Mid- night Snack
A bowl of full cream yogurt + chocolate
Light walk for 30 minutes

With this testosterone boosting diet plan, you need to take some of the supplements of vitamin D3, and zinc in order to have the optimal results.

Note: It is mandatory to see your doctor or the nutritional health guide before starting the diet plan to get more adequate high testosterone diet plan suitable for you.

Tips for Choosing a Side-by-Side Refrigerator

Size Matters

When shopping for a side-by-side refrigerator in an effort to get the most for your money, it is important to keep a few tips in mind. This style of refrigerator tends to look larger than it actually is, and after buying one and beginning to use it, you just might find out it is not as large as it looked on the sales floor. Side-by-side refrigerators have more freezer room than standard refrigerator/freezers, and they are more expensive in more ways than one. Unbeknownst to many, it can cost up to twenty percent more to run this style of refrigerator/freezer. Consider the following information before choosing a refrigerator, and do not be fooled by the appearance of the exterior, click this over here now.


Refrigerator Shelf Space

A side-by-side unit is generally just as deep as a regular refrigerator, but it is considerably narrower, and this can be a problem for those who refrigerate larger items. Large side-by-side refrigerators offer plenty of shelf space, but the models with the least amount of square footage might not be adequate – even with a small family.

Square Footage

Although even the smallest side door refrigerators offer considerably more than eight cubic feet, this is the smallest size recommended to accommodate two people. Add a cubic foot for each additional family member, and four more cubic feet if guests visit regularly. No matter the square footage, consider the width of refrigerator shelf space very carefully before deciding on a model or you might not be happy after stocking the shelves.

A Personal Experience

My husband and I ended up choosing a side-by-side refrigerator with a little over fourteen cubic feet in the refrigerated section alone, but it was not adequate for our family of six. Matter of fact I would not have considered it adequate if I were living alone. A large pizza box would not fit on any of the shelves because it was too wide, and some of my baking pans would not fit either. The freezer section was more than adequate since it was larger than what we previously had, but overall the refrigerator was a disappointment, and I regretted choosing it.

The narrow shelves were just as deep as a unit of average size, but even though the shelves were glass, many items ended up hidden in back. Dishes of food spoiled many times because they were behind other items, and hidden food ended up going to waste. It was a style of refrigerator that I knew I would never end up choosing again, at least not with shelves that narrow.

My husband and I sold our small side-by-side refrigerator/freezer, and I do not miss it in the least. We ended up choosing an eighteen cubic foot unit with the freezer on top after moving into our current home, and it provides plenty of space for everything from baking pans to large pizza boxes. Having a larger and more open refrigerator section is something I prefer over having ice and water in the door and a larger freezer. When in the market for a refrigerator, this is definitely something to consider before choosing a side door unit that could end up costing more in every way.

Car Engine Break-In & Strut Bars

When I was still a kid, when we travel to the province, I sometimes see cars with posters at the back of their vehicle that say “Break-In”. At first I really thought it was funny since what I knew back then was literally to break in (or break the glass) in case of emergency. And these signs are usually placed at the rear window so that it can easily be seen. But as I grew older and became more familiar with vehicles, my grandfather told me quite a lot about what break-in really means when it comes to cars.

To break-in a car means to let the engines get used to working hard or getting used to revving. At the same time, you should try to avoid revving your engine too high since it will wear your engines easily. This is usually done on new cars so that the engines will get used to longer duration of activity. It is also applied to cars with new engines, or even newly overhauled engines. My grandfather told me that it is quite important since it will reduce the risk of the engine failing in long travels with moderate to high rpm (revolutions per minute or revs). It’s like warming up your engine for long term use.

Now, what do you actually do during break-in? Well, what most car owners do is to drive long distances at fair enough speeds. On a freeway or an expressway, you’ll probably be sticking to an average speed. Let’s say on a 50 kilometer expressway, you’d probably find yourself driving 90-100 kilometers per hour most of the time. At that speed, you’re probably driving your engine to around 3000 to 4000 rpm on either the 4th or 5th gear. Staying that way for a long period of time will make your engine used to revving. Thus, it won’t get into “shock” if you need to drive long distances again or if you need to rev it high enough when you need it.

A good two hours or so of straight driving will do and do it twice or thrice and then avoid going up to excessively high rpm let’s say around 5000 or up. Again, your engine may not be accustomed to that load.

Aside from long distance driving on level ground, another good way to break-in the car is to take it up to steep slopes. If you know a mountainous region where you can go uphill, that would be a good place to do it. Don’t put too much load on your engine by revving so high just to go up. Manage your rpm to around 3000 to 4000. Downshift when you need to unless of course you have an automatic transmission car.

Now one of the reasons why car owners place a break-in sign on their back window is to let other drivers know that the car is in break-in mode and is avoiding high speeds (thus high rpm). You’ll usually find them in the slow lane of the expressway or the freeway (usually the outer lane). Keeping a constant speed with constant rpm is one of the keys to break-in the car. This will definitely lengthen your engine’s life.

As for my personal experience, our car is already 16 years old but it has never been overhauled and it had a couple of days break-in. After a month or so of staying at a constant and moderate speed, your engine will be good to go for higher rpm and yes, higher speeds.

Strut Bars

Strut Bars

Strut bars serve as a brace between the two shock towers, improving the rigidity of your chassis, which creates optimum handling. Suspension should never be neglected when looking to improve handling on your high performance car, and a good set of strut bars are an attractive and affordable way to achieve maximum results.

Too often car enthusiasts trick out only the most visible aspects of their rides, giving short shrift to what’s beneath the hood or just above the ground. If all you are looking to do is impress girls with Halo rims and Altezza lights, perhaps there is some wisdom, or at least economy, to this theory.

Get Unreal Handling with Strut Bars

But if you are actually concerned with how your car performs, then you know the truly indispensable accessories are usually not the flashier items. Invest in a performance muffler and short shifters before you start worrying about reverse gauges. Having your priorities straight will build the return on your investment in the long run.

Shop wisely for strut bars, as with all performance auto parts. The Internet is an awesome tool for finding great parts at great prices, so take some time and hunt out the best deals. Find out which retailers are recommended by sites and sources whom you trust, and always read the fine print before buying anything.

Why Rehab is so Common Among Celebrities

Rehab seems to definitely be the new trend for celebrities. Whether it’s their desperate need, or their publicists’ wishes, or even a publicity stunt, rehab seems to be as hot as The Ivy.

First, it is important to consider the fact that rehab might seem more popular among celebrities than it actually might be. Since they are in the public eye and often in our magazines and news stories, we always hear when a celebrity is heading to rehab, and rarely when everything is just fine.


But celebrity culture does undoubtedly add to the common stints at Promises and The Betty Ford Center. Celebrities have a lot of access to drugs, and they have a lot of money to spend on drugs. But statistically, drug use among celebrities is not too different from drug use in the general population. What sets celebrities apart is that they can also afford rehab, and when a celebrity has a drinking problem they have tons of people advising them to seek treatment, more helpful hints.

Many times, this leads to return trips to rehab. If someone goes to rehab to appease their family members or entourage, they will not get better. Rehab is really only effective when you recognize your problem and want to fix it. Since this is not true for a lot of celebrities, they will be out of rehab in a couple of months and back to their old reckless behavior soon thereafter.

Aside from genuine concerns from their peers, some celebrities use rehab to get back in the public eye. People think kindly of those who are going through rough times and trying to get better. Many actors revitalize their careers after getting clean. They are more hirable when sober and more interesting than the average actor because they have a success story to share. This sells like hotcakes.

Arguably, amidst the drug addicts that are unwilling to change there are some true innocents in Hollywood. Addiction is a disease and when a regular person suffers from alcoholism, we are quick to offer a helping hand, but when it’s a celebrity, we are often judgmental and quick to point fingers.

Being suddenly famous can be stressful and the life of an actor or touring rock star does not suit many people. If newfound fame is handled incorrectly, it can lead to drug and alcohol use. Some stars, like Drew Barrymore, use rehab to get cleaned up and go on to have a successful career without relapse.

It doesn’t look like this pattern of celebrities in rehab is going to slow down anytime soon. As long as there are drugs and as long as celebrities can afford them, rehab facilities around the country will have plenty of business.

Great Ways to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

I read a great article recently called “20 Little Ways to Drop the Pounds and Keep Them Off” by Joe Mullich from the Health Magazine. Here is the link if you are interested in reading it: www.nach-welt.com/slimy-liquid-test-helfen-die-tropfen-wirklich-beim-abnehmen

Weight gain has been one of the major concerns of our society. We gain weight when we consume more than we can burn. This statement is correct however there are other causes of weight gain due to illnesses. I am going to explain several ways to help you eat healthy and exercise right. If your weight gain is caused by other illnesses, complications, you should consult a physician.

Lose Weight

Everybody’s life style is different. Your body may also react to certain things differently. Someone can have a few slices of pizza and get away with it, however you may end up gaining weight. For this reason the first thing you need to do is to evaluate yourself. What is your tolerance level? Do you eat healthy food? Do you exercise? If you drink a lot of soda then the first think you should do is to replace soda with water. Cans and bottles are labeled to show you what your calorie intake would be. By replacing one can of soda with water per day you will save about 140 calories. If you have read the article I mentioned above by Joe Mullich, you know that we all gain 1-2 pounds per year regardless. Consuming 140 calories less per day because you have replaced it with water, you will reverse this weight gain. If you are a coffee drinker, think about how you have your coffee everyday? Do you like it plain or with cream and sugar? Have it black. May be hard at first but you will soon get used to it. If you must add something then use skimmed milk. Also avoid the three major whites. These are sugar, salt and flour. You should eat several times throught out the day without starving yourself. Have a good breakfast and eat light at night. A single banana is a great source of energy. I highly recommend it after a workout instead of consuming an energy drink or an energy bar.

Apart from eating right, you should exercise to maximize your weight and fat loss. As I have mentioned before you should listen to your body, evaluate yourself and setup your goals. Once you have this, check out the website of Cinderhill Gym. They have a good online routine creator that customizes a fitness program for you based on your availablity and goals.

Ways to Lose Weight

Remember to change your exercise routine often. If you like jogging, do not jog everyday. Alternate your exercises. The human body can adjust to circumstances, so by repeating the same exercises you will not be gaining anything. Switch your days, exercises, etc. Do not use the elevator all the time. Use the stairs. In your first weeks, you will see very good results because you are starting something new. But remember that your body will soon get used to it and when it does it will shut itself off. This means you will stop losing the weight even though you are exercising.

I hope you will find this article handy. Have fun and just remember to switch things around.

Assisted Living and Senior Home Care

Caring for an elderly parent or loved one can become emotionally, mentally and physically draining. If the right resources are not accessed, caring for a senior citizen can also be expensive. However, there is help. Adult children, extended family members and other caregivers do not have to go it alone.

Senior Home Care Services

Senior Home Care Services

Local and national home care agencies will send therapists and other trained healthcare professionals into an elderly family member’s home. Services offered through home care agencies include:

  • Hygiene support (e.g. bathing, dressing)
  • Medicine administration
  • Wound cleaning and dressing
  • Physical therapy
  • Errand running (e.g. grocery shopping)
  • Light housecleaning
  • Meal preparation
  • Recreation

Beyond the above services that senior home care agencies provide, companionship is another key benefit that senior citizens receive from agency professionals. It is not uncommon for at home caretakers to become trusted and valued friends of their clients.

Getting Professional Senior Home Care Support

Senior home care agency administrators, volunteers and staff members realize that adult children have a myriad of responsibilities (e.g. raising their own children, work) that can prevent them from physically being with their aging parents as often as they would like. Because of this some local and national senior home care agencies will provide support after an adult child places a telephone call with them. Support can begin within 48 hours or less of the telephone call.

Volunteers and professionals who work with agencies range from:

  • Registered nurses (RNs)
  • Licensed practical nurses (LPNs)
  • Physical therapists
  • Psychologists
  • Dieticians

Alzheimer care training is provided through many national senior home care agencies. Seniors who live at assisted living facilities can also receive the healthcare services at home. Costs for the care is generally less than the cost of placing an elderly loved one in a nursing home.

Background checks and criminal investigations can be conducted by the agency on professionals before they are permitted to provide care to a senior citizen in their home. Family members who are considering engaging a senior home care agency to provide additional support for an aging relative are encouraged to ensure that the caregivers are insured and bonded at the minimum. They should also discuss billing, including invoice frequency and where and to whom bills for the care should be sent to.

Senior Home Care Lengths

Senior Home Care Lengths

Home care is available on short and long term basis. For example, a loved one who recently underwent surgery and who would like to recuperate at home could receive senior home care services until they were completed healed and on their feet again. Care can also be provided to special needs children, injured young adults, etc.

Experienced senior home care professionals know how to remain calm during instances when the aging relative might be upset or confused. Their support allows aging adults to enjoy the comforts of the homes that they have spent years caring for and sharing special times with friends and family members in. The support also allows adult children, grandchildren and extended family members to feel “at home” each time that they visit with their elderly family member.

Senior home care professionals include nurses, therapists and volunteers. Care covers a broad range of areas including hygiene, housekeeping, errand running and companionship. Family members are encouraged to ensure that the home care professional who enters their aging relative’s home is at least bonded and insured. They should also communicate to the agency where invoices for the care should be sent.

Using Focus Groups to Help Improve Business Processes

Think of a focus group and you might imagine a group of children or adults in a room where they taste food, listen to music, watch a television program or movie, or any other activity where the end result is to gather consumer feedback on a product. In theory, the results of a focus group should tell the producers what may need changing or what was accepted well by the people doing the critiquing. Focus groups can also be used in a business setting to gather feedback from employees on the effectiveness of company processes, like performance appraisals, benefits or training. The idea of using focus groups to discuss company processes is not new, but the term is not widely associated for use in the business arena, great post to read.

Example of a Focus Group-worthy Business Process

Example of a Focus Group-worthy Business Process

Let’s use company-provided training as an example where the company surveyed upper management about what types of training they felt was needed to enhance employees’ skills to keep the company competitive. It should be noted that there may be mandatory training, like sexual harassment awareness. Voluntary participation in training that might improve employee job skills and knowledge is what perpetuated the survey and subsequent new training program, yet response to the training program has been limited.

Focus groups comprised of employees may provide insight into the less-than-successful launch of the new training program. The objective could be to gather feedback on why members of the focus group would or would not participate in company-provided training.

How Focus Group Members may be Selected

The results of a focus group are only as good as the people participating in the groups. When it comes to business practices, the group should include all levels of employees to which the process would apply and may include their managers. In our training example, the program of course offerings is directed to entry level to mid-management.

For a small organization, like less than 50 employees, you may want to bring all of them together. In larger organizations, particularly those with thousands of employees, it’s not feasible for them all to participate in focus groups. In this situation, the focus group organizers, possibly Human Resources, would work with mid-management to pull specific career levels or job positions from their departments to create a good cross representation.

What Might Happen with Focus Groups

With lack of participation in a training program as the theme, the focus group facilitator with a small team of advisors can draw up questions to present to the focus groups for discussion (there may be multiple facilitators and multiple focus groups at different office locations). Questions might include things such as: is the location of the training or the time it is being offered suitable, are the training sessions too long/short, or did the time of the training coincide with other job-critical events? The facilitator can start the discussion with prepared questions but should also be open to comments from the focus group that are outside the scope of the questions.

Participants can also be presented with the option to provide private input to the facilitator, like via email or phone call, because some participants may feel uneasy about commenting in a group. This can happen if the employee is intimidated by a manager or fellow employees, dissuading or belittling them for wanting to participate in company-provided training.

State Property Tax Comparison Information in the United States

Migration to different states has caused a new curiosity in the differences in state laws, ordinances and tax regulations. Flat taxes, tax credits, personal taxes, caps and gaps and other terms, all add to the confusion. This article attempts to explain some ways on how states can be different and offer links to resources.

Market-based Property Tax System

Market-based Property Tax System

The state of Indiana is an example of a state government that uses the most popular property tax revenue collection method. A variation of the Market-based Property Tax System is implemented in 48 other states.

Property taxes in Indiana are assessed yearly calculated on the prior year’s taxes and the current sales of properties in the area. Certified appraisers consider the economy and other marketing factors to arrive at a fair market value for property in the township, neighborhood or city. In Indiana, the property taxes are normally paid for the previous year in two installments. Popular State Property are available in this website and you can find additional Property there, too.

According to In.gov, Department of Local Government Finance: “Property Tax Terms,” the tax rate is determined in terms of “dollars per $100.00 of assessed value.”

Personal Property Taxes

An example of a Personal Property tax is the assessments of movable items not permanently attached to the property, appliances, furniture, equipment, vehicles, the owners motor homes, etc.

Homestead Tax Credit

Many states offer the Homestead Tax Credit. The method of credit would be in the form of an income tax reduction or reduced tax assessment on the property.

A tax credit may be available for residential property owners for a primary resident. In Indiana, the Homestead Tax Credit allows for taxes to be levied on one half of the assessed value of the property. In some states, such as Michigan, the relief may come to the property owner in the form of a deduction on state income taxes. Some states may limit this credit to certain groups, such as senior or low income property owners.

Proposal A – State Equalization Value and Taxable Value

The State of Michigan levees property taxes on one half of the evaluation of the state assessed value or State Equalization Value, (SEV). The half of the (SEV) or Taxable Amount is then multiplied by the mileage levied in the township or city and the result is the amount of property tax owed.

Property owners are often confused in bad economic times because the SEV and Taxable Value has stayed the same even though the real estate assessments for homes have dropped drastically with inflation. There are several reasons why this is happening.

With Proposal A in the state of Michigan, the State Equalization stays the same on a home unless there are improvements, such as construction, that add value to the home. Therefore the one half of the SEV or Taxable Value stays the same, or fluctuates with new area or improvement value. Also, if the home is sold, the Taxable Value is adjusted to the SEV, and the new owners must pay property taxes based on the full assessed state value.

Consider the Property Tax Structure

Check the target state’s average property tax structure as a major consideration for buying property. According to Low Property Tax.net, the average annual tax assessment for the U.S. is $1132 with the highest average being in New Jersey at $2206 and the lowest in Alabama at $394.

Digestive Enzymes – Bromelain & Papain

Digestive enzymes assist and speed up the chemical processes associated with digestion. In most cases, our bodies naturally produce enzymes that are capable of digesting food. However, individuals with certain health conditions and disorders may require the use of supplements to supply enzymes that aid digestion. Although many people with pancreatic disorders often require the use of prescription pancrelipase, the benefits of digestive enzymes in healthy individuals remains uncertain.

Digestive Enzymes


The following digestive enzymes are classified by the type of biochemical molecules on which they exert their effects:

  • Lipase-(Fats, Lipids)
  • Protease-(Protein)
  • Amylase-(Sugars, Carbohydrates)

Within each group, there are many subtypes of enzymes that are naturally produced by our body. In addition, digestive enzyme may also be contained in the foods that we eat. Some of the most common digestive enzymes found in supplements are derived from fruit sources.

Bromelain Supplements

Bromelain is a protease enzyme that is harvested from the stem of pineapples. Besides assisting in the digestion of proteins, it may also stimulate the muscles of the intestinal walls. Bromelain is often included a major ingredient in many digestive enzyme supplements. Since it is derived from pineapples, it may trigger an allergic reaction in people with pineapple allergies.

Papain Supplements

Papain is also a common ingredient included in digestive enzyme supplements. In contrast to bromelain, papain is a protease enzyme that is harvested from papaya fruit. Papain is also used to aid in the digestion of proteins. However, it can trigger an allergic reaction in person with allergies to papaya.

Digestive Enzyme Benefits

Although evidence to support the benefits of digestive enzyme supplements in healthy individuals is inconclusive, certain dietary enzymes have shown to be beneficial in people with specific health conditions. Lactase is an amylase that helps to break down lactose, a carbohydrate commonly found in dairy products. It can be of great benefit for individuals who suffer from lactose intolerance. Also, patients who suffer from a disorder of the pancreas are often prescribed pancrelipase to aid in the digestion of meals.

Digestive Enzyme Side Effects

An allergic reaction can occur in those who are sensitive to enzymes derived from certain plants or fruits. An allergic reaction may include the appearance of an itchy rash. More severe cases that include swelling of the mouth and throat, or difficulty breathing requires immediate medical attention. Since digestive enzymes exert their effect in the stomach and intestines, patients may experience symptoms of upset stomach or diarrhea. In addition, patients may experience nausea and vomiting.

The use of digestive enzymes may cause a fibrosing colonopathy. This occurs when enzymes cause damage and irritation to the inner linings of the intestinal tract. Although the mechanisms causing this adverse effect are unclear, fibrosing colonopathy is a serious medical condition. In theory, digestive enzymes can interfere with the healing of intestinal ulcers or perforations. Since digestive enzymes can interfere with medications and exacerbate certain health conditions, patients should always contact a physician before using digestive enzyme supplements.

Disclaimer:The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be used for diagnosis or to guide treatment without the opinion of a health professional. Any reader who is concerned about his or her health should contact a doctor for advice.

Bogota’s Half Marathon: July 29 and Bigger than Ever!

At 2600 meters above sea level, running the 21km of Bogotá’s half marathon is not a feat for those of faint heart or sea level lungs. An endeavour of this magnitude takes time, dedication and above all, acclimatisation. For those not up to competing in the 21km event there is also an alternative Bogota 10km on the same day that takes in a different route bus ends in the same place.

One glance over the top ten finishers will tell you what you already know; the list is smattered with names from traditional distance running powerhouses and high altitude experts from Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia.

The Favourites

The Favourites

This year’s favourite in the Men’s category to take home the 21,000,000 Colombian Pesos (US$10,800) of prize money and the Renault Logan is the Kenyan, Paul “the Gentleman” Tergat.

Tergat is the current Marathon World Record holder finishing the prestigious Berlin event in a swift 2:04:55. In addition to this he has two Olympic silver medals for the 10,000m  and in 2005 won the New York Marathon.

In the Women’s event the field looks to be more open but two serious challengers are Argentina’s Claudia Camargo and Nataliya Berkut from the Ukraine.

The Event in last year

Men’s Winner – Fabiano Joseph – Tanzania – 01:02:34

Women’s Winner – Catherine Ndereba – Kenya – 01:12:56

A total of 58,000 people participated in both the 21km and 10km courses. This year the organisers are confident that this number will have significantly increased as the popularity of the event continues to grow in this its eighth edition.

What Makes Bogota so Special?

What Makes Bogota so Special

Like most international sporting events a city’s marathon or half marathon will take in the major sites of that location. Bogota is no different. Both the half marathon and the 10km will start in the opulent surroundings of the Plaza de Bolivar, the seat of Colombian power, overshadowed by the Law Courts, the Cathedral and the Presidential Palace in the Candelaria district with Monserrate towering above, click over here.

Continuing from there down Carrera 7 will take the runners past the world renowned Gold Museum, the National Museum, past the Javeriana University and through the Chapinero district.

The route then moves west before returning back into the wealthy zones of Northern Bogota and towards the elite Country Club. The big turn for the homecoming to the finish line occurs around Pasadena and then through Salitre before the final stretch into the verdant refuge of the expansive Parque Simon Bolivar.

Here at the finish line like in next year there will be a jamboree and celebrations for the runners and well wishers with Colombian artists putting on a concert with all the dancing that can only be conjured in a Latin country.

One only hopes that the weather holds and the runners are presented with a clear and crisp Bogota day.