Self Improvement and How to Get Out of the Recession

In the current situation of economic crisis, unemployment is raging like fire. It is the main issue haunting many individuals as they have either faced a layoff or on the verge of being handed over the pink slip. It is in this scenario that an individual gets stressed up and seems to have fallen into a tavern and not know how to escape.

The first and foremost thing that an individual should understand is that he should not panic. It is not the case of anyone individual losing their livelihood but of thousands and millions around the world. At the same time one must understand that even during this period of recession still many of them are employed and thriving in their businesses.

So what is the reason that one is employed and another is unemployed? The difference is employability skills. Those who are still employed have a higher degree of employability than those who are not. And how does an individual find out what he lacks in his own set of employability skills. It is at this juncture, the SWOT analysis comes to play.

How to Get Out of the Recession

SWOT analysis stands for analysis of an individual’s strength, weakness, opportunity and threats. A person needs to do his own SWOT analysis and focus it to get better results with more self improvement you can try this out with an ultimate goal to get out of the recession.

The first step in SWOT analysis is strength. An individual should write down in a sheet of paper what are his strengths. Rather what are his skills both technical as well as non-technical that would make him more employable? He needs to then analyze how many of them he is currently using and must devise a strategy for those skills that he is not using currently, however must put into use as soon as possible.

The next step in SWOT analysis is the weakness. After carefully writing down all his weaknesses, an individual must put in efforts to find out how he can minimize his weaknesses and make all those into his strength areas.
Next, he should think about his opportunities during his SWOT analysis and find out what are the current openings or opportunities for him to improve, to get better position and be safeguarded against recession.
Finally, SWOT analysis will reveal the individual’s threats and an individual who really has an instinct to improve and get out of recession will find them and be cautious enough to avoid them or should plan accordingly to tackle them and get out of harm’s way.

Thus, SWOT analysis is a method which every individual must implement for self-improvement and to get out of recession.

Increasing Traffic to Web Journalism: Increase Page Views With Online Data

Writing freelance work for ezines (electronic magazines) can be daunting.

There are thousands of writers posting articles everyday and much of the information covers the same topics between blogs, newspaper websites, and television clips.

Between all of the competition and the abundance of content, writers and broadcasters may wonder how they can garner a larger share of web traffic.

There are two ways: go to the masses, or slowly attract them.

Evergreen Content Can be Read Today, Tomorrow, and Next Year

Evergreen Content Can be Read Today, Tomorrow, and Next Year

Work that is considered evergreen consists of topics that apply today and tomorrow. For example, figuring out how to save money, or teach children the value of money, would be evergreen because the principles of basic saving are not apt to change in the near future.

Health information can be evergreen, but not always. The Atkins diet that was so popular at the turn of the century has basically gone the way of the Pritikin diet that was very popular in the 1980’s. While these health topics will come and go, the benefits of Vitamins A, B, and C will likely be similar in the future.

Now, while the above evergreen content may not draw in thousands of page views on a daily basis, they will bring in consistent traffic, and with enough pieces of this kind, a predictable income can be amassed.

There is also seasonal evergreen content. While all content has a season of sorts, this refers to articles about a season or holiday that will bring in heavy traffic only during a specific part of the year.

Today’s News Will Score Big Numbers And Maybe Some Later on

Top news items that headline on such sites as Yahoo! are great to draw readers into one’s work, but only at a rate of a few days at a time, find more info.

For example, while everyone was obsessed with singer Michael Jackson’s death, and other information about him, the sensationalism of that story passed within a week or two.

Gathering Data for Popular Topics to Write About

In this age of information, finding data is not difficult. One place people can go is

It can be found on Youtube that for every person who watched the first part of the 1993 NAFTA debate between Ross Perot and Vice President Al Gore, which is still very important today, approximately 6,000 people tuned in to watch Matt Damon do an impersonation of Matthew McConaughey on Jimmy Kimmel Live. This can lead writers to understand that many people are simply not as interested in Al Gore and Ross Perot when they are discussing very important topics as they are with Matt Damon when he is doing just about anything that involves him being alive.

Fast Muscle Growth

The best and the fast. When it comes to muscle growth one of those can not happen. My teenage son has started working out with the weights and wants my help. Sure, would love to. He has been training for about a month and got his first pump in his biceps. He thought it was great, like most of us. “I’m getting bigger now” he said to me. I had to let him know that was just a pump and it would go away soon. But him and his friends chase that pump, everyday new muscle group. They think that the more they pump the bigger the will get. Wrong. That pump is a lot like a lot of problems I see in the gym today. Quick. I need muscles fast. New cable machine and everyone is on it. Waiting there turn. New supplement came in and everyone is trying to get there hands on it. New bodybuilder in town and everyone is trying his routine. Latest and greatest. Funny how it never seems to stay around. I remeber pre-exhaution with Arthur Jones and the Joe Wieder principles. All that is gone now. What is left is what works and that is the best for muscle growth.

Muscle Growth

So what is left? The basics. How boring. Yeah, I know, but it works. Always has and always will. The big basic multi joint exercises. Low reps. high reps. The bench press and the deadlift. The power clean and the squat. Full reps. No half ass stuff. That is the best muscle growth, when you stop training and you have dieted down. What stayed? Protein powders, they stayed, whey and all. The multi vitiamns stayed. The pro-hormones are gone( but not because they did not work, thanks big brother). Gaint sets are gone.

Fast never works, it just will not stay long enough to prove itself. But the best always stays around. Regroup with the basics. Three days a week, full body workouts. Protein powder shakes with milk , that stayed. Twice a day routines left, who has time for that. Give me one heavy set of deadlifts for max reps, to the point of passing out that will build real muscle and the real muscle is what stays. That is the best.

Best Car Rentals Around the Istanbul Airport

The largest privately owned car rental company in Istanbul has a large amount of cars to choose from, whether you want something standard, something more luxurious, or something that is eco and gas-consumption friendly like a hybrid or a Smart car.

The prices range depending on the type of car you’re getting, but there is definitely something for everyone’s budget. The customer service is great and accommodating, as well as very responsive if you have any concerns.
Specials: Has some nice extra deals for ordering online, such as 10% off internet booking or 15% off internet booking for those in the military.

Best Car Rentals

Not as expensive as the luxury rental companies, but a bit more pricey than popular competition, you definitely get what you pay for with National Car Rental. With a wide selection of cars to choose from (standard and lovely imported cars galore) and great service that is very quick and accommodating, it’s hard to go wrong here.

Their website also has some nice online specials, such as $30 off weekly rentals; $15 off 3-day weekend rentals; $25 off one-way rentals and more.

This popular rental car company holds some of the best deals you’ll find, although the service and car selection probably isn’t as great as the others. However, if you just need a car for a cheap price and don’t care about spending time hassling over which one you get, this is the perfect choice. The rental counter is located right at the terminal (with a shuttle to the parking lot) and open 24 hours, which makes this a most convenient choice.

A plethora of different coupons and specials are available on their website.

Car Rentals

A low-cost rental car service that also offers really fast, accomodating service, which is a major plus for any car rental company, nevertheless an airport one. There may not be a huge selection of cars you can choose from here (you generally need to take what you can get), but if you want bargains and quick service, then this is for you.

For those with a more luxurious taste, Beverly Hills Rental Car is an awesome choice – the premier place to have a rental car experience that’s as pleasurable as possible. This company offers everything from motorcycles to exotic sports cars, SUVs to huge trucks, and of course even standard vehicles. Hybrids are also available.

The service is as prestige as the types of vehicles and selection; you’re paying for luxury, and luxury service is exactly what you’re going to get.

How to install Whatsapp

Whatsapp іѕ а platform intended fоr individuals thаt nееd content informing, talks аnd feature calls incorporated іn аn оnе оf а kind аnd dependable application. Thе system іѕ accessible fоr dіffеrеnt varieties оf terminals, аnd thоѕе telephones саn collaborate оnе tо thе nеxt utilizing Whatsapp.

Othеr thаn thе traditional offices, уоu саn mаkе gatherings оf companions, аnd уоu саn send thоѕе pictures, texts аnd records. Whatsapp іѕ created bу twо shrewd specialists thаt wеrе іn thіѕ business fоr а considerable length оf time, аnd thеіr experience permitted thеm tо accompany thіѕ coordinated correspondence result thаt іѕ сurrеntlу utilized bу а large number оf individuals еvеrуwhеrе thrоughоut thе world.

install Whatsapp

WhatsApp іѕ build undеr thе principle of efficiency. Thіѕ means thаt thе application offers аll thе facilities thаt уоu саn gеt frоm оthеr programs оf thіѕ kind, wіth thе difference thаt іt іѕ hassle free. Moreover, соnѕіdеrіng thе fact thаt thе application іѕ adds-free, іt іѕ considered аѕ convenient bу ѕо mаnу people.Our world today іѕ based оn communication, аnd WhatsApp іѕ thе program thаt brings communication tо а nеw level, allowing thе users tо benefit оf а free solution оf thіѕ kind.

Aѕ WhatsApp іѕ аvаіlаblе fоr аll thе platforms, уоu саn find thе installing kit іn mаnу internet locations, but аlѕо іn App Store аnd іn Google Play. Thе program іѕ installed оn уоur computer оr telephone іn seconds, аnd іt dоеѕ nоt еvеn occupy ѕо muсh space!

Aѕ thе popularity оf thіѕ application grows аѕ wе speak, уоu саn thіnk аbоut installing іt rіght now, аѕ іn thе nеаr future, еvеrуbоdу wоuld uѕе thіѕ platform fоr communicating. Whеthеr уоu nееd а reliable chat оr а method tо send free messages tо аll уоur friends, thаn WhatsApp іѕ thе program thаt уоu need, а program thаt wіll change thе wау people communicate.

In a Maryland Real Estate Agents Search, Where Do You Fall?

The extended $8,000 first time home buyers tax credit has increased property sales from Texas to Maryland, the New York Times reports. In October, national sales surged 23% as buyers clamored to snag low mortgage rates, low house prices and government assistance. The initial credit was set to expire in November, but was just extended until next spring and offered to current homeowners who have lived in their home for at least five years and are looking to buy new Maryland real estate. For these excited buyers, the Real Estate Referral Network is a valuable tool to help them connect with “the best of the best” real estate professionals. Candidates are all pre-screened through a real estate marketing company who looks for agents with 10 or more years of experience and a proven track record of happy clients.

With buyers coming out in droves, Maryland real estate agents are looking for ways to set themselves above and beyond the competition. Again, the Real Estate Referral Networkcan be a powerful way to jump from virtual obscurity to the top page of Google searches. Sometimes realtors will find themselves on the top page of the Maryland real estate agents search, but they want to be in the top 3 listings. To get you there, a real estate marketing company can optimize your home page with well-researched keywords, add more content to your web campaign (including press releases, articles, blogs and newsletters), and create linking opportunities to boost your presence. On average, Real Estate Referral Network clients see their site traffic increase 200-300% in just six months’ time.

Real Estate Agents

For instance, Real Estate Referral Network clients from went from #3 to #1 for competitive search phrases like “Indianapolis homes,” “Indianapolis real estate” and “Indianapolis Indiana real estate.” Similarly went from #11 to #5 for “Atlanta GA real estate” and from 1,000+ to #2 for “Atlanta real estate” and “Atlanta realtor.” The folks also went from 1,000+ to #1, #2 and #5 for their most competitive search terms. Winter Park real estate at moved from 1,000+ to #4 and #3 for “Winter Park Lodging” and “Winter Park hotels.” The site once saw themselves in the #12 and #50 positions, but now they’re #3 for Cedar City, Utah real estate!

To put things into proper perspective, if you’re not on the first page for Google’s Maryland real estate agents search, you won’t be found at all. A 2008 iProspect study found that 49% of web users change their search terms if they don’t find what they’re looking for on the first page (compared to 40% in 2007, 42% in 2005 and 28% in 2004). More importantly, only 8% of web users bother to look past the third page. Since the algorithms needed to achieve first page status are changing and fluctuating all the time, it takes a seasoned professional from a real estate marketing company to help get you to the top. Currently, the Real Estate Referral Network is seeking top Maryland real estate agents for its prestigious promotion campaign that will place your name among the top professionals in your field.

Hot Ladies’ Watches and Luxury Designer Watches for Women

It’s almost impossible to say which watches are the best or the cutest because there are so many price ranges and all women and girls have their own favorite looks. Also, there are cuffs, bracelet watches, leather straps, diamonds, crystals, ceramics, 18k gold watches, large sporty boyfriend watches, and that doesn’t even get into the different price ranges.

So, here are the coolest wristwatches that a London fashionista thinks are best. And, she covers all price points. I’m sure this will give you some ideas. And, people in The States should remember that stores in the UK and Europe are very fashion forward compared to most US counterparts, so you will be ahead of the curve if you follow their lead.

The 10 Best Women’s Watches

The 10 Best Women’s Watches

Here is the list from Harriet Walker in her article “The Ten Best Women’s Watches” at the online version of The Independent of London:

  1. Breil Globe from Milan: Breil’s Tribe Watch is a cross between a metallic watch and a sporty watch. (£180) When I looked this up, I found a similar style sold in the US, with a steel bezel plated in trendy rose gold and a leather strap, called the Breil Women’s Chronograph or the Breil Milano Watch Chronograph. ($720 at and other sites.)
  2. Dior’s La Mini D de Dior: This is a cute mini version of the beautiful La D de Dior, with diamonds and patent strap. It’s gorgeous and worth the money. (£1,550, converts today to $2480.77)
  3. Longines Conquest Chronograph with ceramic bezel and stainless steel bracelet. (£1,700) The closest thing that I see in The States is the Longines HydroConquest Stainless Steel & Diamond Women’s Watch. It is very similar and less expensive. ($1,789.99)
  4. Chanel J12 Marine: This style has a soft rubber strap. (Around $5,000). Ms Walker likes the white. All of them are hip, view website.
  5. Cartier Tank Française in 18k gold: This is subtly chic and luxurious. (£11,500, I have seen steep discounts on US sites.)
  6. Hip Hop Watches: Hip Hop is a London street-style watch made of rubbery material. The face can be clicked into different colored straps. Nice design. (£24.99, € 29,00, around $40 in US) You may need to buy this from a European or UK site. Cool watch that no one else will be wearing.)
  7. Red Herring Neon Watch from About $26, but look online for more of their goodies. Debenhams has US delivery for £7.
  8. Omega Constellation: Omega’s best-selling stainless steel (also gold) watch comes with a white mother of pearl dial. This is an elegant classic that looks good on everyone. (£1,480, $4,300) Check for sales, but don’t be fooled into buying a crummy replica.
  9. Asos in Rose Gold: Ms Walker likes this as a “nostalgic-looking, quirky alternative” at a great price. Funny, I see this oversized watch as a fashion-forward piece that’s cool to the max. (£20, $45)
  10. Swatch Watches: Swatches are great for budget fashionistas. I have loved these plastic timepieces since the 80s. Swatch designs change all the time. If you’re rich, find an old collector’s Swatch. (£29.50, $50)

I love Ms. Walker’s choices. I would add Michelle, Betsey Johnson, and TechnoMarine watches to the list, but Harriet Walker has put together an impressive set of timeless timepieces. There are many more brands of elegant and trendy watches but the list could fill a small book. If this is a gift, try to decide if your girl is hip or classic or both.

Unregulated Toxins Are Found in Most Personal Care Products

Is your skin irritated by beauty products? Do you think you have sensitive skin? What about your children using personal care products?

You may be interested to know that of the thousands of personal care products on the market, only 11% of them have been tested for safety. This includes all kinds of products, from lotions and soaps to baby care and personal hygiene products. What is worse, many of the chemicals and ingredients these products contain are actually carcinogens or otherwise directly toxic to humans! Curiously, the FDA does not have authority over what the manufacturing companies use in personal care products. And more curiously, most of these toxins have been banned in Europe, but not in Canada or the US. Only recently did the FDA decide to begin enforcing a truth-in-labeling law from 1975 which requires labels to provide information about ingredients that have not been safety tested. 99% of cosmetics and toiletries products in the US market contain untested ingredients, but labels still do not give consumers this information.

Personal Care Products

Scientists have identified many toxic and carcinogenic substances that are routinely used by people every day through personal care products. Every chemical that comes in contact with your skin is absorbed to some degree. Every time you use a product that contains untested formulas on your body, you are giving yourself a dose of the chemicals. One of the most heinous chemicals that permeates America today is triclosan. Triclosan is a hormone-disrupting pesticide that was recently FDA approved for use in over 140 products. In a test group of over 2,000 people, it was found in the urine of over 75% of them. Triclosan is a chemical that bioaccumulates and is stored in fatty tissue. It causes liver disease. It can end up in breast milk and can cause fetal and childhood development problems. Triclosan is used as a microbial agent in sanitizing products which include hand soaps, hand sanitizers, baby bibs and dozens of other baby products, toothpaste (Colgate, see , undergarments and other clothing, toys, and even countertops and credit cards. It remains in the environment, in streams and rivers, breaking down into chemicals that are toxic to wildlife as well as humans. The risk factors associated with its use are poorly understood or not researched. Read more about triclosan here, including some disturbing lab test results that were omitted from EPA approval documents in 2008.

Phthalates are a large group of toxic chemicals that are used in a host of common products such as hair spray, deodorants, nail polish, perfumes and all sorts of scented items. They are used as solvents and plasticizers in cosmetics and other products. (If you’ve ever thought how “plastic” makeup sometimes looks, you were exactly right.) Black and brown hair dyes contain carcinogens. Cosmetic grade talc (that sounds pure, doesn’t it?) is a carcinogen. Talc has been removed from some products such as baby powders after public outcry, but it still is used in others. Labels will often have a long list of chemicals that are preservatives, and many of them are not stable and will break down into formaldehyde, which is a carcinogen. Some foaming additives and detergent compounds in soaps, shampoos, and cleansers are also carcinogenic. Even lanolin, which is a natural ingredient pressed from sheep’s wool, may contain pesticides and many agricultural chemicals. DDT, which was banned in 1972, sometimes appears in lanolin, so even a natural substance can be contaminated with toxins.

Personal Care

Consumer groups try to keep pressure on lawmakers to clean up this mess. One organization, Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, urges consumers to take a pro-active approach and carefully scrutinize products before buying them. Just because the mainstream products are unregulated doesn’t mean that safe alternatives aren’t out there. Check the Skin Deep Cosmetic Database to learn here. One of the best ways to find safe alternatives is to search online for companies that make their safe ingredients and wholesome manufacturing practices a priority. Usually these companies proudly display their commitment to product safety in a prominent place on their websites, making it easier for consumers to make comparisons.

Charm Bracelets: Jewelry That Expresses Your Personality

From the pharaohs of ancient Egypt to the trendy boutiques in New York and Los Angeles, charm bracelets are the premier jewelry for showcasing individuality, fraternity, and friendship.

There is no easier or more dynamic way to say I know what you like than with the gift of a personal charm. Charms are available in so many styles and themes that it’s almost certain that you will find an image that will express your unique sentiments. Whether a symbol of love or friendship, a charm is great choice because your selection of style and theme will determine its level of intimacy and significance.

Add a Personal Touch to Your Wrist

Add a Personal Touch to Your Wrist

If you are adding to your own charm bracelet, selecting a charm can be a way to reward yourself, honor milestones in your life, or provide a reminder of a goal or dream that you have. What greater memento of a trip, celebration of a new child, remembrance of a departed loved one, or quirky statement about a hobby or belief than a charm.

The History of an Icon

Originating as a talisman against evil spirits and later used as a symbol of wealth and privilege, charm bracelets add elegance and individuality to your dressing choices. Whether you choose to make a charm bracelet a signature piece of jewelry that defines your sense of style, or use it only on specific occasions, your bracelet will attract comments for its attention to detail. Each charm tells a story about you and those who love you.

The world of jewelry is always changing, and even through Italian style charm bracelets may not grab your interest, tale a look at some other vibrant styles, like those by Pandora or Thomas Sabo, that put a modern spin on a perennial favorite.

Your choice of a basic bracelet can be silver, gold or platinum, and the charms you add will reflect the many facets of your beliefs and interests in metals and colorful stones that you can either mix or match. As a personal representation of your interests, it will change as you change, becoming more precious and vital as the years go by.

Your Friends Will Always Know What You Like

Your Friends Will Always Know What You Like

If you don’t have a charm bracelet, consider the wonderful opportunity one will give you to create a work of art. It will also give your friends and family a great way to know what type of gift you’d like. Their charm choices for you will tell you all the things you mean to them.

Make a memory and honor it with a charm. As you add to your bracelet, it will stir your thoughts, bringing back long forgotten recollections as you study each charm in turn. Those priceless memories will be yours forever. Start building a charm bracelet today and honor your life with the gift of remembrance.

10 Ways to Detox from the Holidays

Can you feel it? That little tug every time you try to zip up your pants? Or have you just resorted to sweats and yoga pants at this point? We all indulge a little during the holidays. And why not? They only come once a year. But with all those plates of fudge, high calorie coffee drinks, oodles of iced cookies, and sugary cocktails, you’re bound to put on a few pounds. It’s inevitable with all that excess salt, fat, sugar, and processed junk in your system. But aside from a little scale disappointment, you probably feel sluggish and blah from the lack of good nutrition. Here’s how you can help yourself feel better in the new year. To know more about the detox, read here:

  1. Acknowledge your shortcomings. This is the first step to any successful change. Yeah, you ate that cheesecake. Three pieces. And an extra large helping of prime rib. And you washed it down with a gallon of soda. Probably not your proudest dietary moment. But so what? It’s done. Now take a minute to think about how it made you feel. Chances are, your stomach hurts, you’ve got a headache, you’re a little dehydrated, and you are longing to hibernate. By associating those feelings with unhealthy foods, you’re less likely to overindulge the next time. It’s fine to have those things in moderation, but keep in mind the reasons why you don’t have them every day.
  2. Drink some water. Your body needs this now more than ever. Flush out toxins and rehydrate with 6 to 8 glasses of water each day. Add a slice of lemon or orange, or a few mint leaves to give it some extra flavor if you find plain water too boring.
  3. Switch from coffee to green tea to start your day. Coffee is part of most people’s morning routine, but it also sets us up to crave excess carbs and sugar throughout the day. While it’s a good idea to limit caffeine, green tea contains antioxidants that coffee doesn’t. You’ll feel energized, without the crash later on. Or, look for a decaf variety.
  4. Up your fiber intake. At times like this, you need to get your digestive system, well, moving again. So pay attention to the amount of fiber in your foods. Choose whole grains like whole wheat toast with an apple or a fruit smoothie with added spinach to start your day, and you’ll be regular again soon.
  5. Stick to mild flavors. Hot, spicy foods are not your friend right now. Although they do have health benefits, you don’t want to risk upsetting your stomach any further. You may also want to avoid acidic foods like tomatoes, and oranges. Instead, choose foods that have “neutral” flavors, such as oatmeal. Boring? Maybe. But your system has had plenty of excitement lately. Time to repent. The one exception is ginger, which has been known to soothe upset tummies for generations.
  6. Load up on antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables. Not only do these provide fiber, but they’ll give you antioxidant protection as well. Crucifers, like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, and leafy greens like spinach and kale, are great choices. Or try some red grapes when you’re craving something sweet.
  7. Limit your sugar. This is easier said than done, but it’s well worth it. The fact is, excess sugar in our diets increases inflammation. Ironically, we often reach for sugary treats when we feel yucky, but it just perpetuates a vicious cycle. More sugar makes us feel worse, so we wind up eating more sugar. Don’t do that.
  8. Avoid processed foods. Like sugar, all those chemicals and preservatives in processed foods mess with your body’s chemistry. This is the time to go for whole, fresh, clean foods. If it comes out of a box or can, you probably should avoid it for now.
  9. Get some exercise. No, that doesn’t mean you need to go out and run a marathon or do two hours of weight training. Hardcore fitness can come later. A gentle walk around the block is sufficient to get your blood circulating and keep you from lazing on the couch. Don’t forget to stretch before and after.
  10. Pamper yourself. Yep, you read that correctly. Make some time just for you. Turn off the TV, and your phone, and settle in with a book or a stack of magazines. Light a candle. Take a bubble bath. Do some yoga. Meditate. Write in a journal. Whatever it is that helps you enjoy the feeling of solitude, do that. And don’t feel guilty about it. You need this time to help your system rebound.

Now, don’t you feel better already?